Anyone new to blogging would often ask the question “what is a blog?”. Well, “a blog is a webpage that is made up of information about a particular subject”. People use blogs to share information and/or make money online. Whatever the case, every blogger would want to have a successful blog which can attract readers and this is where most people find difficulties. In a nutshell, a successful blog is one that has all the necessary features that search engines love. For such a platform that search engines love, traffic is sure to be the next best thing. These features includes adding page titles, meta tags, page description and getting relevant backlinks pointing to your blog. Now, let’s take a look at some 5 tips to creating a free and successful blog;
1. Define Your Niche
The very first step to creating a successful blog is to know what your niche is. “A niche is basically what your blog would be about”. Be sure that your niche is something you have a passion for, can write about, and people are interested in.
2. Choose A Relevant Domain
One important aspect to creating a successful blog is choosing a relevant blog domain name. “A domain name is a name that briefly describes your website/blog”. So, if you were to choose a domain name for your blog, it is best to pick a name that partly describes your niche.
3. Specifying An Optimized Title
Your blog title is one of most relevant aspects of your blog because “the title of your blog is the name of your blog and it is what appears as the clickable link to your blog on search engines”. Before putting up a blog title, you’d need to do proper keyword research to get an idea on the popular keywords that people are actually searching for. Also, ensure that your blog domain also appears in your blog title. Google Adwords, Word Tracker or Market Samurai are great tools that can handle keyword research for you.
4. Put Up A Description
Every blog needs a description. Just as your domain name and title gives your visitor a hint about your blog, “your page description gives an insight on what your blog is all about”. The page description appears directly below your blog title on search engines before your domain link. Practice have shown that it is best to keep your blog page’s description in three (3) sentences and ensure that the keyword phrase from your blog title appears at least twice in your blog description.
5. Get Relevant Backlinks
If you want to rank high on popular search engines especially Google then, you’d need to get quality backlinks pointing to your blog domain. “Backlinks are links that point to a specific website or webpage”. Links pointing to your blog from external websites are more valuable than your own internal links. One of the most relevant ways to generating quality backlinks is by putting up articles and press releases. Search engines love articles and press releases so much because of their unique contents. You can also get relevant backlinks by bookmarking your blog domain for free on social bookmarking sites.
To crown it all, you will need to stick to a regular posting schedule so that your blog followers would be updated on what is new and when to expect your next post. The most important thing to remember is that you should have fun with your blog. This is a great way to express yourself so make the most out of it.