Home Business List Of Best Saas Affiliate Websites
SAAS Means Software as a service

List Of Best Saas Affiliate Websites

by e-blog.in

When I read the word SAAS the first time, I really couldn’t understand it. You may share the same feeling. And now when I have realized its potential and the amount of money it can make for you, is huge.

SAAS: Software as a services.

And some top 10 SAAS affiliate programs and website where we can start making money online. Simply Saas is a business of software kind of stuff stored in cloud and you pay monthly charges for using it.

And it’s marketing is growing fast, and predictated market value of worth $550 billion in next ten years. So, we have mentioned some of really useful programs with you here.

TABLE of Content ( Top 10 SaaS Affiliate Programs)

  • FreshBooks Affiliate Program
  • ConvertKit Affiliate Program
  • Nord VPN Affiliate Program
  • Shopify Affiliate Program
  • Aweber Affiliate Program
  • Hunter.io Affiliate Program
  • Sucuri Affiliate Program
  • WP Engine Affiliate Program
  • LastPass Affiliate Program
  • Microsoft Office 365 Affiliate Program

Good news is that the market of SAAS is growing market and will rise exponentially. And you have a good chance to use these affiliate programs to make money online.

1. FreshBooks Affiliate Program :

Don’t you think, accounting and keeping data is boring.

And if you are just starting your business or startup then you may not know all of the accounting part of your business.

So, whats the better choice?

Yes, FreshBooks is the choice for you as it helps to automate you invoicing, expenses, tracking of time and even chash or payment collection with their SaaS accounting solution.

It’s is really beneficial and you can keep an average of 190+ hour per year. Or you can say 5 working weeks.

Wherever you are in world, Freshbooks has their mobile app too which help you to manage finance easily.

And you can use their app for new startup as well as for brands of agencies. Cool!

But how their affiliate program work?

Here you can understand this: when someone sign ups from your affiliate link for a free trial then you make $5 in commission.

You can sign up here URL- FreshBooks affiliate marketing program

2. ConvertKit Affiliate Program

This is an email marketing website specially focusing on creator community. Say, you are a blogger, writer, vlogger or YouTuber then this website is for you.

You will feel, “this is for me website”.

This is a good example of high end email marketing services. What it does, it makes it easy for you to maintain everything from creating a landing page to sending a broadcasting email to your list.

Easy, pizzy.

It has a built-in tracking and reporting are also very simple, making sure you are not confused while using it.

One of the reasons why we love SaaS affiliate programs is because there’s the potential for recurring commission.

e-Blog || Murari

It pays you 30% of commission forever, as long as your referral account is active on their website. A quick calculation is here, if you refer 10 people then you can easily make $1000 per month.

Here you can start today – ConvertKit affiliate marketing program

3. Nord VPN Affiliate Program

You can use the internet from any location in the world, use VPN. Isn’t it cool. Yes and you can choose any vpn available online.

And make sure your privacy is not harmed. So the best option we found from the net is Nord VPN which is an affordable VPN solution that has been available for people for more than decades now.

Price that you will be paying for this VPN is $7 per month, but don’t worry it will help you to use it on 6 devices with 5000 server options.
Get it from here – Nord VPN affiliate program

4. Shopify Affiliate Program

You know what, nothing is one the top of salesmanship, if you can sell something you will never be unemployed. And that is why Shopify is so popular. It provides easy to use e-commerce platform to everyone.

Now, when you are planing to start a new e-commerce store then you need to hire a website developer who will buy hosting and domain for you. And he will create your online store, this will cost you a lot of money and time.

Second choice would be not doubt – Shopify.

Great Choice btw.

No coding skill needed, no marketing tools needed. It has all of it and you can handle it’s pro version with some monthly fee.

You can avoid one big problem, you might spend dollars on persona VPS hosting and developer and that might not work too. It happens many times.

So, this website can save you your hard earned money.

Cheapest plan on Shopify is $29 a month or may be changing over time, but not that much. And if you are starting a business then it is affordable for you.

Great platform to start today – Shopify affiliate program.

5. Aweber Affiliate Program

Aweber is an another good email marketing service and you can say one of the early SaaS company out there.

And they have come too far, started in 1998 – they have added many useful features and have good affiliate programs to make money online.

Email marketing automation platform with features like tagging, pre- built email marketing templates, a drag and drop email designer and this integrates with a lot of third party services.

It will make you money on your all referrals. Therefore you make 30% commission over monthly time period, even when you sell once.

Here you can start – Aweber Partner Program

6. Hunter.io Affiliate Program:

Hunter.io is platform where you can get emails of people you want to contact with. It helped us in our link building methods to generate more traffic.

Don’t panic, you can make good recurring commission from this website.

Hunter.io has greater success rate than other similar sites. Second they have indexed 100+ millions of emails and have very useful search tools to find email address that they haven’t indexed.

Low or almost zero bounce rate of your email marketing campaign. We personally use this tool, and so far had the best experience with it, hope you will have the same.

Now, something interesting for you. It also gives you recurring commission (30%) on your refers and you will love this article when you will make money.

Hunter’s starter plan costs $49 per month, so your average recurring commission will be $14 every time somebody signs up, of course from your referral link.

You can support us by using it from our referral link – Hunter.io Affiliate Program

7. Sucuri Affiliate Program:

You run an online business, eventually you will become target for hackers.

But, no chance of hacking an site running affiliate program, if you use Sucuri.

Under this program, Sucruri makes sure your online business website or App is secure from hackers. And they can help you from future attacks also.

If you use this platform you website becomes safer and faster than other CDN. Actually you will make between $29 to $209 per referral, that depends on the type of program your visitors sign up for.

Here you can start- Sucuri Affiliate Program

8. WP Engine Affiliate Program

Did you know this?

Web hosting providing companies are SaaS companies. Yes, you read that right.

You can access or use their hosting platforms or online software on their server paying monthly fee. WP Engine is a logical progression for people using WordPress CMS.

And they also provide hosting solutions even up to big brands level where they need good servers. Yet affordable, roughly $30 a month.

You can make commission from here – WP Engine Affiliate Program

9. LastPass Affiliate Program :

LastPass is cloud based and can integrates well with my choice of browsers and also works on my smartphone. It helps to create strong password for every new site I want to surf online.

It has an annual plan and that is too cheap.

Here you can try it out – LastPass Affiliate Program

10. Microsoft Office 365 Affiliate Program:

Do you remember microsoft’s products used be costlier back then, but now you can sue their monthly subscriptions. And that’s too affordable.

So, now you can understand why SaaS companies are really useful and helping us. Microsoft Office 365 provides you full MS Office suite for $9.99 per month, and that covers licenses for up to 6 devices.

What else do you get?

In addition to this, you get 1TB of storage per device in that price. And do you know, Office 365 is the best example of best Saas software can be share using referral affiliate programs.

Check out – Microsoft Affiliate Program Here.

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