Home Blogging Why Start a Blog? The Benefits

Why Start a Blog? The Benefits

by e-blog.in

I strongly believe that everyone has to take advantage of the opportunity that blogging offers. Some People would often jump into blogging straight away without even understanding what blogging really is. in this article, I hope I could in some way, get you started to blog.

There are tons of reasons why people might want to start a blog. Finding all the reasons would be next to impossible. After all, there are over 150,000,000 blogs out there and I bet everybody has a different answer to the “why do you blog?” question. In this section, I am going to cover some of the best reasons to why you should start blogging today and hopefully get you to decide if blogging really is for you. There are 4 main types of blog and these are:

  • 1. Company blogs – blogs run by a company who are selling a product or service to people. Most of the time, These types of blogs are made to give product/service updates to their customer and usually created to build good relationships with them. A good example of a company blog is the Google Blog which ranks 10th most popular blog in the world (according to technorati)
  • 2. Personal Blogs – these types of blogs are more like an ‘online diary’ where you write updates about your life, post some of your cat’s pictures and share those updates to the world. (pretty much like how twitter and Facebook are being used today.)
  • 3. Blogs that Provide Value – blogs that are usually started by a single person and often run by one. These are blogs that talks about informative subjects and specific expertise. I.e. Problogger for blogging advice, Copy blogger for Copywriting, SEObook for SEO tips
  • 4. Automated / fake blogs – these are types of blogs that I wouldn’t recommend but they do deserve a mention since there are literally millions of them out there. Automated blogs are blogs that were setup to scrape other blog’s content. Basically, all they do is steal content from other sites and post it on their blogs automatically by using an Autoblogging software. the owners of these sites makes hundreds of these and even if each one only makes $5 a month, they can make a tidy profit out of it.

Blogs that provide value is written with an ‘underline’ because that’s the type of blog which I recommend you build. So if you’re looking for a way to make money out of creating a spammy auto blog that steals content from others, this article is not for you and you may be better off searching for a guide about it on one of those black hat forums. But if you’re here to provide value (and make money while doing it at least), Then this article may just what have everything that you’ll need to answer the – ‘Why should I start a blog?’ question.

These are the 4 main types of blogs and the reason for creating them includes:


Money is always a Good Motivator and I can’t hide the fact that most bloggers starts a blog for the sole intention of profiting from it. In fact, (Although it doesn’t sound great) I wouldn’t be into blogging today if I didn’t know that I can make money out of it.

Note: blogging only for money is the last thing you would want to do. Providing Value should be your number one priority and That’s something you should always keep in mind.

below are some examples of successful blogs who were able to make their authors – Millionaires:

1. Johnchow.com – Blog by John chow is a blog that earns over $40,000 per month.

2. Mashable.com – blog owned by Pete Cashmore that’s focused on the social media news. it was said on a recent interview that mashable is now earning over $200,000 worth of monthly income.

3. Problogger.net – Darren rowse the author of Problogger, has never revealed his exact earnings but judging to the numbers of his subscribers and his alexa stats, A good $45,000 per month calculation maybe enough to say that his earning this big every month.

of course, These blogs had been online for a long time and each of the owners had put hard work and effort to get to where they are today. (by the way, if you wish to see more blogs that makes money, you can easily do so by searching on your favorite search engine: “Top Money Making Blogs in the world”)

While Having a $40,000 monthly earning sounds cool, I would still advise you to target a more realistic earning first. $5,000 is a reasonable income to target and there are thousands of blogs out there who earns this much. After you’ve reached that point though, the sky really is the limit.

Showcase your expertise

Blogs will always be a good chance to get you noticed as a Photographer, Designer,Guitar tutor, or even a Food Lover who writes about food. No matter what chosen field you’re in, blogging is always a great way to get you known.

When you blog, you’re providing value and providing value means you’re showcasing your expertise to the world. All thanks to blogging, I had been able to share my knowledge about making money online to a quality number of people including *you* – and that’s a good example of how powerful blogging can really be. You get the chance to Establish yourself.

Ease of use

Before blogging had ever existed, it would had been impossible for a regular Joe to start his own website. He would have to pay a lot of money to some web designer before everything could be set up. But since blog Softwares and CMS (content management Softwares) were born, life had never been so much easier for someone (including me) to build a website.

Today, anyone who could type in a keyboard could literally post content online. Content that does not only comes in Text form, but also in Video, Image – you name it. They can all be easily added with basic computer skills.

Those are basically the major reasons that I think about every time I see someone blogging. Hopefully, This would get you motivated to start blogging today.

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